General Musings

This section is where you'll find my thoughts on life from the eyes of an entrepreneur.  The biggest challenge is balancing the success and obligations that success brings as the more successful one becomes, it seems the more obligations they have to the world.  Feel free to comment as you follow my journey and general musings regarding that journey. 


General Musings on Life & Entreprenuership

Painted Wine Glasses

(12/04/2015) Mark A. Cenicola

WineGlassArt-LargeI may not drink, but that doesn’t mean my wife can’t enjoy a glass of wine. Over the last several years, she’s become somewhat of a wine enthusiast and has combined her artisanal talents to create beautiful wine glass art.

After several people expressed interest in her wine glass art, she’s decided to launch a website to sell her pieces. A few of her latest works have been posted for sale along with these cool holiday themed reindeer wine cork animals.

If there's a wine lover in your life, they'd be sure to enjoy their glass of wine even more from one of these orginal art pieces. If you ask me, she’s charging way too little for original and unique artwork so buy something before prices go up significantly!

Check back every so often to catch new pieces for sale.


One Sheet

Mark Cenicola strips away the hype and gives his take on technology and its use in establishing a better business online.

Hard hitting presentations that really get to the core of today's technologically advanced business economy, Mark demonstrates effective strategies for integrating the Internet into a company's operations and giving their website an expanded role in contributing to the success of their business.