
Here is where you'll find articles that I've written that give you further insight to what's happening in my life.  From events at which I'll be speaking including book signings to family happenings and other general musings, I invite you to share your comments. 

Categories: General Musings • Bitcoin • Baby Bell

The Blog by Mark Cenicola

Baby Bell Surprised by the Speed at which She's Sledding Down the Hill

12/21/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
Mountains Edge park had their annual play in the snow day where they brought in snow so families could enjoy something they don't get to experience very often in Las Vegas.

The Future of Digital Currencies

12/11/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
Panel session from LeWeb 2013 in Paris discusses the future of Bitcoin and other math based currencies.

A Quick look to 2040 and Bitcoin's Market Valuation; Could it equal the size of the current U.S. GDP?

11/27/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
With the surge in Bitcoin in relation to fiat currency (Euro, USD, Yuan, etc.) over the last several weeks, I decided to take a look at what each coin would need to be worth to equal the U.S. GDP from 2012.

Snapchat’s Rebuff of Facebook’s $3 Billion Buyout Was Logical

11/14/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
Anyone who thinks Snapchat’s rebuff is like Groupon making the mistake of not selling to Google for $6 billion is wrong on two levels.

Are Smart TVs Watching You?

11/07/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
Fox5Vegas Interview Screenshot
Fox5Vegas recently did a special report on Smart TV security. I was interviewed for the report which you can watch here.

Facebook Had One of the Best IPOs Ever

10/11/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
There are two ingredients that make for the best IPOs and Facebook has executed successfully on both of them so far. Will Twitter be able to do the same with it's IPO?

Cruise to the Western Caribbean/Eastern Mexico

08/19/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
Mexican Cruise Family Photo
The family took it's first cruise on the Western Caribbean to Eastern Mexico. Enjoy a few photos from the vacation.

Bitcoin is NOT Fee-Less, but WAY More Reasonable than Traditional Options

05/27/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
On the official Bitcoin Forum, a tread on one of the mining pools I use, turned to a discussion about Bitcoin mining fees. Contrary to what many in the mainstream media believe, transaction fees are incurred when transferring Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Mining on a PowerMac G5 (PowerPC/PPC)

04/26/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
PowerMac G5 Small
After CPU, but before GPU mining was obsolete I was curious to know whether and old PowerMac G5 could be used to mine Bitcoin. Turns out that I was successful!

What Bitcoin is and How it Works

04/10/2013 Mark A. Cenicola
Bitcoin is a new digital currency that's been getting a lot of press lately due to it's significant rise in value. Find out what Bitcoin is in the embedded video.

One Sheet

Mark Cenicola strips away the hype and gives his take on technology and its use in establishing a better business online.

Hard hitting presentations that really get to the core of today's technologically advanced business economy, Mark demonstrates effective strategies for integrating the Internet into a company's operations and giving their website an expanded role in contributing to the success of their business.