
This site was built to inform you of the latest happenings with me both professionally and personally. Here you can find links to various things going on in my life including projects I'm working on, public appearances I'll be making as well as the latest from my personal blog. Please stay in touch by contacting me.

video In his business book, "The Banner Brand," Mark A. Cenicola takes you on his personal journey of how he applied the fundamentals of brand strategy and guerilla marketing... more

The Latest from Mark's Blog

Getting the Best Pizza Value for Your Dollar

11/22/2023 Mark A. Cenicola
Have you ever wondered if you should buy the bigger pizza to get a better value? You may be hesitant to spend the extra few dollars to go from a large 14" pizza to the 16" pizza, but that few dollars may be a much better value for the amount of pizza you get. Enter the size and price of the first pizza to compare to the size and price of the second pizza to determine which pizza is the best value.

Don't Forget about eBay for Multiple Reasons

12/08/2020 Mark A. Cenicola
You many not think of tech as a place to look for value investing, but eBay is worth a look. Trading at less than 20X EPS while growing revenue and profits double digits makes this OG ecommerce marketplace company a steal. Look at its shares before you get outbid!

A Brief Look Back at 10 Years of Technological Progress

05/23/2020 Mark A. Cenicola
Baby Bell Window Small
Our society is noting yet like Star Trek, but it’s certainly becoming more virtual. We aren’t traveling the galaxy, but are traversing the bit-world, working from home and even dating via teleconference. Health lockdowns don’t seem all that bad when we can diddle away time virtually.

Two Overvalued Stocks, But Damn Smart Companies

12/14/2018 Mark A. Cenicola
Remember when companies used their cash and stock to buy other companies? You may have forgotten because a lot of so called, great companies, are still making the same mistakes of buying their own stock. Instead, here are two companies being smart with their cash and stock.

ASIC Mining vs Cryptocurrency Project Teams: A Game of Cat and Mouse

04/27/2018 Mark A. Cenicola
Are you wondering whether to simply purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and the many mineable crypto currencies or get involved in a mining operation? From old school CPU and GPU mining to companies that built mining specific machines, the choice of options can be overwhelming.

ForkDelta - The Minor Leagues for Crypto Scouts

11/23/2017 Mark A. Cenicola
ForkDelta is a great place to find up and coming cryptocurrencies before they are well known within the cryptocurrency community. It’s like the minor leagues - the first place ERC20 tokens go to trade before they get picked up by the bigger (and centralized) exchanges.

Bitcoin/Litecoin/Ethereum are not Money, They're Better

09/19/2017 Mark A. Cenicola
Crypto assets are at the inflection point where the Internet was in the mid to late 1990’s. It's important to understand the potential of blockchain technology and its benefit to the future economy.

The Case for Bitcoin $10,000...err...$1+ Million!

05/25/2017 Mark A. Cenicola
Every time the price of Bitcoin rises fast, the media is all over it. Once again, it's time for me to speculate about the price per bitcoin come 2040.

Mineral Rich - Gold/Silver/Copper Ore Samples from Nevada Mining Claims Available for Sale

06/20/2016 Mark A. Cenicola
Interested in mineral rich rock samples from real Nevada mining claims? Check out my unique gold and silver ore samples from the historical mining areas between Nelson and Searchlight Nevada!

Painted Wine Glasses

12/04/2015 Mark A. Cenicola
If there's a wine lover in your life, give them the perfect gift! Check out the original wine glass art created by my wife that's now for sale on her website.

One Sheet

Mark Cenicola strips away the hype and gives his take on technology and its use in establishing a better business online.

Hard hitting presentations that really get to the core of today's technologically advanced business economy, Mark demonstrates effective strategies for integrating the Internet into a company's operations and giving their website an expanded role in contributing to the success of their business.